Thanks Hookahville!

Another Hookahville in the books. What an amazing weekend. Once again, I have to apologize for sounding like a…. well, I don’t even know how to describe it. Basically, I sounded like shit! But, you all helped me get through it. Your collective voice was much better than anything I could have done out there, so props to you for singing the songs! The vibe was a typical Hookahville vibe. One unlike any other. The Hookahville crowd is always fantastic. No hassles or bad attitudes is the way we like it, and that’s exactly the way it was. The venue was perfect, and I have a feeling there could be more shows there in the future. The bands were on point the whole weekend. And, everyone who helped put on the show, the sound crews and stagehands, security, art installment folks, vendors, volunteers, and anyone else who had a hand in it, top notch all the way around! Loved seeing all the little kids there having a great time. Loved seeing all the old “kids” having a great time. Thanks to Aaron Armstrong for adding his percussion wizardry to many sets throughout the weekend. Thanks to Buddha and Jaymo from Glostik Willy for singing my songs when I couldn’t, not to mention jamming their asses off! Thanks to Nat Reeb, Leo Bennett and Cliff Starbuck for helping to make the Mullins tribute set so memorable. And, thanks to Tom Blessing and Jim Garibaldi from Alchemy House, for all of their hard work. Without them, and all of you, none of this would have been possible.

~ Dave Katz