Hookahville 57 Schedule Announced

Gate Hours, Pricing, and Policies

VIP, GA, RV, Camp By Car Entrance: 10466 Jacksontown Rd, Thornville, OH 43076
ADA Entrance: 7585 Kindle Rd, Thornville, OH 43076

Gate Hours

Friday – 10:00am – 10:00pm
Saturday – 10:00am – 10:00pm

Pre-sale pricing ends Wednesday, August 23 at 8pm ET.

GA Gate Pricing

Friday – $140
Saturday – $100

VIP Gate Pricing

Friday – $280
Saturday – $200

We encourage attendees to leave before noon on Sunday to give our cleaning crew ample time. The longer it takes to clear the venue, the longer they have to work! Please gather all your trash and place it in a near by receptacle before leaving. We also provide recycling stations.

We will have a collection box for canned goods at the gate. All canned goods will be donated to a local food shelter.