Summer Shows & Hookahville Thanks

Lots of summer festivals and shows coming up!

As for Spring Hookahville, a message from Dave Katz:

A few days of decompression from, and reflection on last weekend, and I’m left with this. Wow! What an incredible time! All of you who attended, gave exactly what I have come to love and expect from you. Smiles, warmth, compassion, generosity, and love filled the air. There were so many newbies, and everyone blended in perfectly. You all make Hookahville such a welcoming place. I’m sure there are tales being told right now about what a wonderful first time experience people had. The bands were great, and combined with the undeniable synergy with the crowds, provided an intense energy that lasted well into each night. I absolutely loved being able to have members of Tauk, Glostik Willy, Dopapod and Aqueous jam with us! And those horns…! Everyone dealt with the last minute venue change in a perfectly professional manner. Jim Garibaldi and his crew pulled everything together flawlessly, and many thanks to Steve Trickle for allowing Hookahville to occupy Legend Valley once again. As I said at the show, there are so many people to thank, and I’m not going to try to thank them all here. But suffice it to say, I am proud to be a part of Hookahville, and I’m proud of everyone who works their ass off before, during and after the weekend. Now, it’s on to working towards Fall Hookahville, Labor Day weekend (Sept. 2-4) at Thunder Hill. From what I hear, it’s gonna be a real good time! SDTL

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